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Lung Tonic Tincture (60 mL/2oz or 120 mL/4 oz)

Lung Tonic Tincture (60 mL/2oz or 120 mL/4 oz)


Licorice Root, Mullein Leaf, Elecampane Root, Lomatium Root, Marshmallow Root, Grindelia, Comfrey Root, Thyme and Lobelia. Extremely popular blend, perhaps our best seller, helping by expectorating the lungs and healing and soothing damaged lung tissue. Great for unproductive coughs and the feeling of a tight chest. Wonderful in conjunction with the Cold Relief or Immune Tonic, or on it's own since Elecampane has it's own anti-viral and immune boosting properties. Has been successfully used in treating bronchitis, upper respiratory tract infections, and also during smoking cessation. Please select size and, with 120 mL/4 oz, style of lid. (photo: the licorice plant)